Why so complicated?
Ive tried this several times. Its a royal PIA that practically every song is unplayable on this app.
iPhone 7 here. Over 125GB of downloaded Apple music. Nope. Cant play them. So, I finally figure out how to add the 1750 songs Ive purchased through iTunes over the years. First, you have to manually add every song. Cant add the purchased music playlist. That would be too easy! So I add about 100 of them to a new playlist on Boom. Even though Ive bought the songs, I can only play about 30% of them. Keep getting the "DRM" warning and that I have to download them....which I did. All 1750 songs.
Ive tried about every EQ type app. None function the way they should. Youd think by now that this might be do-able. But no. I suppose if you want to make a tiny playlist to play your 10 songs youve purchased, downloaded on your phone and have maybe 4 of them play then this is your app. Im done trying to find something thatll just let me tweak my sound on a $1000 device. Apparently this is akin to finding a cure for diabetes.
gregfahey about
Boom: Bass Booster & Equalizer, v1.2.1